Tom MacWright


Updated May 3, 2024

I’m living in Brooklyn, helping Steve and the team build Val Town. This involves a lot of basic building work, like backend & frontend development, devops, and design. We just raised over $5 million bucks.

The niche that I’m learning about is server-side sandboxing with Deno, V8 Isolates, and whatever comes next. I wound down Placemark and open sourced it and am hoping that it becomes a successful open source project.

I just ran the Brooklyn Half Marathon and came out with a time that I’m pretty happy with (1:36:21). I only have 5ks lined up for the rest of the summer, so I’m going to shift focus a bit to working on speed. Aiming for a sub-20, ideally close to 19:30 or 19:20. I’m riding the 5 Boro Bike Tour this weekend if the weather cooperates.
